People say that staying at home gives you a fewer expenses such as paying for petrol or other transportation costs. It also gives you less chances of buying goods out of impulse.
From the experts of the financial website The Money Pig, they looked at the cost of buying three meals for a day in a span of 30 days. This includes, household goods, drinks, snacks, and other essentials needed on a daily basis.
For breakfast, an average of £1 a day, £2 for lunch and £3 for lunch. The experts claimed that it is possible to survive with just £180 per month.
When the extras are added such as weekend drinks, essentials and snacks, the total is £265 per month with a £8.84 daily budget per person to stay alive.
They created an example based on their explanation.
Cornflakes and UHT Milk, one slice of toast with Jam and Tea.
1kg Box of Kellogg’s Cornflakes cost £3 with 33 servings = 9p a day.
12 litres of UHT Milk (2 Multipacks of Six Litres each) cost £8.50 for a month = 28p per day.
One Loaf Bread per week cost £1 a week and £4 per month = 13p per day (3 slices Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
2 Jars of Strawberry Jam for £1.50 = 5p per day
PG Tips 240 Tea Bags cost at £3.79 = 13p per day.
Total Cost of Meal: 57 Pence per day.
Tinned Tuna Sandwiches with Sweetcorn and Mayo.
2 packs of 8 tins costs £12 = 75p per tin of Tuna.
1kg of Frozen Sweetcorn costs £1.49 with 15 servings = 10p each.
800g jar of Mayo gives approximately 50 servings and cost £3 per jar = 6p per serving.
Total Cost of Meal: 91p per day.
Spaghetti Bolognese with Garlic Bread.
1kg of Frozen Mince Meat cost £4 that gives 8 servings. This cost 50p per serving.
500g of Bolognese Sauce cost 64p
2 packs of Garlic Baguettes cost £1.65 = 82.5p per baguette or 41p per serving.
Total Cost of Meal: £1.55
Total Cost for a Day: £3.03 which is well under budget of £8.83 per day)
Article from Bex Hill On Sea Observer