Nathalie Evans, who co-founded the Twycross Zoo, died recently. Twycross Zoo became famous because of its connection to chimps used in the long-running commercials.
Evans started the zoo with Molly Badham, who died in 2007. Both women started off as rivals since they operated pet stores in England in the 1940s.
The zoo became famous when chimps from the facility appeard in the long-running PG Tips commercials. It was Badham who trained the chimps for the commercials while Evans ran the zoo’s business facility. Today, the zoo is known for its World Primate Center.
The zoo used the money paid for the commercials to further aid chimps, including conservation and breeding programs.
Although today located in Leicestershire, the zoo started at Staffordshire.
Evans died in early Sept 2016 and was 98.
You can find more at the official Twycross Zoo website.