Play 6 PG Tips Games At Home

Need to take a break?  Then, play any of these 6 Half Time Games.   Recently, PG Tips launched a new corporate website. When they did, they removed some of the games that were on the old site.  After some digging, we found some of the games still accessible at another PG ips URL   Full instructions for the below game are at another PG Tips site (select 6 Games to Play at Home).

Tea & Cones
Move a PG Tips tea bag around some PG Tips cones.   Ddownload and print a PDF of 3 PG Tips cones you can use.

Bag of the Net
Score as many goals as you can with a PG Tips tea bag.  Download and print a PDF of 4 defenders you can  use to play. 3 PG Tips cones you can use.

High Tea
Using a spoon or other object, lob a PG Tips tea bag as high as you can.

Swing the Bag
Swing and hit a PG Tips tea bag as far as you can.

Tea Service 
Tea bag tennis.

Mug Shot
Throw a PG Tips tea bag in a mug as many times as you can.

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